The Humanities Forum Participation Form To propose a presentation or express your interest in assisting with the organization of the Humanities Forum colloquium series, please complete the form below: Full Name﹡ RISD Email﹡ Departmental Affiliation﹡ Academic Position Academic Staff (non-faculty) Assistant Professor Associate Professor Graduate Student Lecturer Professor Senior Lecturer Other Would you like to assist with organizing the Humanities Forum? If you are here only to sign up for assisting with the organizing team, you may skip the steps below and simply submit the form. If you would like to propose a presentation, please continue to fill out the rest of the form. Yes No Presentation Title Presentation Abstract Please provide a description of your proposed presentation. Biography Please provide a short bio of yourself. This bio will be used for event materials. Availability Please select all options for which you are available. All Humanities Forum meetings take place around lunchtime. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Keyword Please provide three keywords related to your expertise or presentation topic. These will help us categorize and promote your contribution to the Humanities Forum. Image Please upload a high-resolution image that best represents your presentation Please provide an accurate caption for the uploaded image. Would you like to add anything else? Feel free to share any additional thoughts, comments, or information that may be helpful. File Upload Would you like to upload your presentation (texts or slides) for the Forum's archive? This is optional, but it helps us build a valuable resource for future participants. Max. size: 50 MG ╱ File types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .keynote Submit